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Housing Crisis

When it comes to issues plaguing our community, no other issue affects our generation more than the inability to afford basic housing for all. First and foremost, housing is a right for everyone. No one should have a hard time finding a place to live within the Los Angeles County. My solution to housing includes an investment in low-income housing along with an investment into increasing the supply of housing in general. This way we can increase the supply of housing for those individuals who are unable to afford housing, while at the same time making it easier for developers to build more housing in order to meet our ever-increasing demand. The Los Angeles County is home for millions of Angelenos, therefore, it is incredibly important to ensure that we make Los Angeles a place for everyone to live and not just for the privileged few.

Small Business

Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and our community. Nothing makes me smile more than seeing more Mom and Pop shops in our communities. I believe it is in our best interest to help small businesses grow and prosper as much as possible. That’s why when it comes to small businesses we must ensure that we have less endless red tape and more opportunities and grants to help them grow and continue to remain a part of our communities.

Climate Emergency 

There is no greater threat to humanity than climate change. We must do whatever we can to invest in green energy and renewable technology to ensure we can eventually ween ourselves off of oil. There is untapped potential in the green energy market and economy and we must ensure that Los Angeles County invests in its future while at the same time making our planet a clean and more livable environment for future generations to grow and prosper in.

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